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Congressional Redistricting: How it’s Going and What’s Next

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State Party Affiliation Map by Wikimedia Commons

The 2020 census brought with it the commencement of nationwide, congressional redistricting, the implications of which will undoubtedly affect the midterm elections in November of 2022. A combination of COVID delays, party-divided issues, and lawsuits have delayed the process, causing some states to scramble in an effort to approve maps in time for primaries. The results of these newly-drawn maps will help direct the course of American politics for the next decade.

At article publication, the following states have approved their congressional maps. The states in bold are in litigation, brief details of which are highlighted below. Where applicable, the number of potential seats conservatives gained or lost in the redistricting process is indicated beside the state.

  1. Alabama

  2. The supreme court overruled a decision that threw out the map entirely due to claims that the new map was unfair to black voters. In the decision, they agreed to hear arguments about the new map, alleged violations, and potential constitutional violations related to Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act.

  3. Alaska

  4. Arizona (+1)

  5. Arkansas

  6. A federal lawsuit was filed by Pulaski County residents, claiming that the proposed congressional lines unfairly break up the county and dilute the black vote, violating the Voting Rights Act and the U.S. and Arkansas constitutions.

  7. California

  8. Colorado

  9. Connecticut

  10. Delaware

  11. Georgia

  12. The likelihood of the new map, signed into law at the close of 2021, to hand the Republicans at least one seat has spawned multiple federal lawsuits. The lawsuits claim the new map dilutes the black vote, violating the Voter Rights Act, and/or the U.S. Constitution.

  13. Hawaii

  14. Idaho

  15. Illinois

  16. Indiana

  17. Iowa

  18. Kansas

  19. While the overall congressional makeup of the new map doesn’t change, the new map divides Wyandotte County, changing the partisan lean of the district. Two state lawsuits led by the ACLU, the Democratic party, and the Campaign Legal Center have been filed, claiming the new lines are illegal.

  20. Kentucky

  21. A lawsuit insinuating political gerrymandering has been filed by the Kentucky Democratic party due to the new divide that takes in Franklin County, making it lean more conservative than the old map.

  22. Louisiana

  23. Maine

  24. Maryland (+1 highly competitive seat)

  25. Massachusetts

  26. Michigan

  27. A lawsuit enacted by a group of voters’ rights advocacy groups is still pending, however the Supreme Court dismissed a recent lawsuit that claimed the new lines were unfair to black voters.

  28. Minnesota

  29. Mississippi

  30. Montana

  31. Nebraska

  32. Nevada

  33. Republicans of the rural Nye County have filed a still-pending lawsuit claiming that the result of the new map, which splits the county into multiple districts, dilutes their voting power.

  34. New Jersey (-1)

  35. New Mexico (-1)

  36. Led by the New Mexico Republican Party, a lawsuit was filed in January, claiming the new map dilutes the voting party of conservatives in the state. At article publication, the lawsuit was still pending.

  37. New York (-3)

  38. A Republican judge rejected the new map on March 31, citing gerrymandering and unconstitutionality. Not surprisingly, the Senate has announced they will appeal the ruling, giving the new map a high chance of survival.

  39. North Carolina

  40. After a panel of three judges rejected a map they felt held conservative bias, they approved a new map that will stand for the 2022 midterms. Due to this perceived overreach, Republican legislators in the state petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to look at the state’s redistricting process, stating an overstep by the state courts. The outcome of the case, which will not be heard in time to affect the 2022 election, could affect the 2024 election and have far-reaching consequences nationwide.

  41. North Dakota

  42. Ohio

  43. The first map was struck down due a Republican skew that violated the party-fairness requirement and was replaced with a map that was similar in configuration. There is current litigation surrounding the map, and Ohio will redistrict again in 2025-2026.

  44. Oklahoma

  45. Oregon (-2)

  46. Pennsylvania

  47. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear a case filed by the Pennsylvania Republicans claiming unconstitutionality, punting it to a federal three-judge panel. The lawsuit is unlikely to be resolved prior to the 2022 midterms.

  48. Rhode Island

  49. South Carolina

  50. The NAACP in South Carolina filed a lawsuit claiming the new map places black voters at a disadvantage. The case was postponed, and a new date has not yet been set.

  51. South Dakota

  52. Tennessee (+1)

  53. Texas

  54. A lawsuit was filed in Texas by the U.S. Department of Justice on the basis of a Voting Rights Act violation. The lawsuit alleges the purposeful dilution of the black vote and is one a group of suits filed containing this allegation.

  55. Utah

  56. A host of voting rights groups have filed a lawsuit in Utah over alleged gerrymandering. The suit pushes for further protection against gerrymandering issues in the future, claiming that the division of the Salt Lake Metro Area is a classic example of gerrymandering and needs to be curbed in later redistricting efforts.

  57. Vermont

  58. Virginia

  59. Washington

  60. Wisconsin

  61. Wyoming

While most of the states seem to be moving forward, either in legislation or by already having rubber stamped the new congressional districts, some states are still in limbo due to partisan hard-liners and gerrymandering accusations. The following states do not have approved maps at time of article publication, with Florida perhaps having the largest implications nationwide come November:

  1. Florida

  2. Missouri

  3. New Hampshire

We are keeping close tabs on the new congressional maps and will keep you updated as things progress.

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